Screening for STIs (sexually transmitted infections)

Screening for STIs (sexually transmitted infections)

Screening for STI ‘s or sexually (and blood) transmitted infections is a service routinely offered here in our clinic for both men and women.  Many reasons can be evoked for wanting to be screened for sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis, aids, or more, such as:

  • when entering into a sexual relationship with a new partner
  • before conceiving a child
  • after having been in contact with suspected or confirmed infected contacts
  • unprotected sexual intercourse
  •  lower urinary tract or genital symptoms (sores, urethral or vaginal discharge, itching, or painful urination)

STI testing is performed with a combination of history and physical examination, blood samples, urine sample, and tissue sampling (swabs, smears, or sometimes biopsies).  It is important to be honest as this will be most helpful in determining which test is required as well as to direct appropriate treatment if needed.  This will also be essential valuable to identify and treat potentially infected contacts.



fax: 819-825-3810


1660, 3E AV, VAL-D’OR, Québec J9P 1W1


Opening hours

Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Services available by appointment only.
Possibility of evening appointments.


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